
How To Get A Job Fast


This article with advice on how to get a job quickly was originally published in January 2017. All relevant statistics, tips, and copy have been updated as of July 2021.

Getting a job quickly seems like a formidable task, especially given that time-to-hire can take as long as four weeks. Long hiring processes can leave many job seekers less than optimistic when looking for a new career. If you're looking to make a move soon, you may wonder if there's anything you can do to speed up the lengthy process. There certainly is, so we've compiled a list of 20 tips you can leverage to get a job fast.

From refining your resume to the interview follow-up, these strategies will help you find the job you want and get hired quickly. See for yourself:

1. Get specific with your job search.

Your time is valuable, even more so when your goal is to get a job quickly. Don't waste it by filling out a bunch of applications for positions you are only semi-interested in. Instead, take the time to research positions you would really enjoy, and then use your time wisely to find and apply for positions that match what you're looking for. Most job boards and recruiting sites allow you to make specific searches based on your criteria, including the name of the position, salary, qualifications, and other requirements.

Write out a few keywords that fit job duties and your prior work experience so you can use each sites' search functionality efficiently and to your advantage. These targeted searches also allow you to eliminate jobs that don't meet your requirements when it comes to location, experience level, and other non-negotiable standards. The results will bring you to available positions much more closely aligned with your needs. Once you've found jobs that match, filling out applications will be much less tedious than when you're applying for positions that are not a good fit.

2. Don't settle for an imperfect fit.

Don't compromise on what you value most when it comes to where you want to work. A job posting may sound like a great fit for your skills, but the company culture needs to be a fit for you, too. Research employer brands online, read employee reviews and discuss culture fit in phone screens to be sure that both the positions and the companies you consider fit your work values and needs.

Before starting your research, try compiling a list of what makes a company a great fit for you: its mission, vision, and values; location or remote work options; company-hosted events; a collaborative environment; and any other important traits.

Finding a new job can be a long process —so don't give up too soon! Try out these 20 tried-and-true tips from @ClearCompany on how to get #hired quickly:

3. Don't quit your search too quickly.

You've done your research and submitted your application, resume, and cover letter, but now what? Keep your eyes open for other potential employers and opportunities as they become available — it's better to apply for several positions that interest you, rather than counting on one or two applications turning into job offers.

If a company sends a rejection letter, take this opportunity to ask them what you could have done differently to be considered, and use any feedback to improve future applications and interviews.

4. Write tailored cover letters.

Cover letters are not a thing of the past: 87% of hiring professionals said they read cover letters. Even more convincingly, tailored cover letters increased interviews by 51% and callback rates by 31%. It's best practice to change the cover letter for each position you apply for, and that statistic proves that the effort pays off.

Give a brief summary of your qualifications, provide concrete examples of your successes, and talk about how your expertise will help the company thrive. Hiring managers want to know what sets you apart from other applicants, so use your cover letter to highlight how your unique skill set makes you a good fit.

5. Make your resume job-specific.

Just like your cover letter, each resume you submit should focus on that particular job. Be sure to highlight your skills and experience that are most beneficial to that position, especially those that are listed in the job description itself.

Without mentioning your qualifications, your resume might be missed by an applicant tracking system or the hiring manager, and you could be disqualified for the job before a person sees your application. Leave out skills and experience that are not relevant to the position you're applying for so you have room for what does.

6. Keep it simple and relevant.

If you have pages and pages of experience, is it necessary to list it all? Not quite. When it comes to stating your experience and work history, keep it simple and relevant.

Summarize your past work experience succinctly and ensure descriptions of your job duties are relevant to the position you're applying for. 40% of hiring managers spend less than a minute reviewing your resume, so be sure to make it count with skills and experience that are applicable to the open position.

7. Employment isn't everything on a well-rounded resume.

Many job seekers go weeks or even months without finding the right job. This leaves gaps in the work history section that can leave recruiters fearful the job seeker isn't reliable. Fortunately, stating your work history isn't all there is to a resume.

Be sure to feature any volunteer work, continuing education, or freelance projects you did during the gap. If you were a stay-at-home parent, mention that as well. Recruiters want to know what you were doing and how you were growing your skills while you weren't working for a company.

8. Dress the part — in person and on video.

Most have heard the saying, "dress for the job you want, not the job you have." Well, it really does hold some truth. When going into an interview, don't dress just for your part, dress for the part of upper or senior management, or the position that you hope to obtain during your career at the company. This still applies in the world of post-pandemic recruiting: just because your interview is via video chat doesn't mean you should skip out on a professional outfit.

First impressions are everything, especially when you only have 30 minutes or so to talk with someone before they decide to hire you. So, if you want to get the job fast, make the first impression count!

The first impression counts when you want to get #hired fast. Get 20 tips from @ClearCompany to boost your application and #jobinterview skills:

9. Don't fake your skills.

When it comes time for the interview, employers can tell when you're faking your qualifications and your culture fit. They want to know who they're hiring and you want to match the position and culture. Being misleading helps neither of you, and can result in bad job placement, poor performance, and ultimately, starting your job search all over again. There's no point in getting a job quickly if you end up back at square one in a few short months.

Saying what you think the employer wants to hear might get you the job but at the cost of your own career growth and your relationship with that company. Being honest is the best way to show off your skills and land the job of your dreams.

10. Share your story and experiences.

While in the interview, it's important to back up your skills and experience with concrete examples. Share stories about successes and learning experiences, and give examples of projects and situations at work that really made your skills stand out. Show how your skills helped benefit your last company with numbers, like the number of leads closed, tickets resolved, or products made. Use jargon and language that shows your level of expertise in your field.

11. Leave the negativity at the door.

When you're talking about previous experiences and situations, it's important to remember that you should not talk down a past employer. Speaking badly about people you used to work for makes the interviewer question what you will have to say about them down the road.

This can create a bad impression on your character. Plus, this is an interview about moving forward. Any past discrepancies shouldn't interfere with your next position.

12. Follow up with the hiring manager.

Whether you've heard back about the job or not, it's important to follow up with the hiring manager or hiring team after the interview. Send a thank you letter or email stating how it was a pleasure to speak with them and that you really appreciate the opportunity. Reiterate any thoughts about why you're the best fit for the position, and be sure to confirm your contact information and invite them to ask any further questions to aid their decision.

This shows that you are engaged and invested, and your sincere interest in the position can help you get hired quickly.

13. Leverage your network to find new opportunities.

Sometimes, job opportunities spring from unlikely places and unexpected connections. Be open to communicating and networking with others in your field. Whether at an industry event, over email, or over social media platforms like LinkedIn, make it a point to connect with colleagues, classmates, and others in your industry to maintain a source for job opportunities and career growth resources.

14. Create a list of reliable references.

Before applying to any job, create a list of references and reach out to those people to make sure they are comfortable with being listed as one of your references. Give them a heads up that you are applying to certain companies that may contact them, too. These should be people who know you through networking, past co-workers, or anyone else who can speak to your work experience and skills.

Make sure to choose references who are a good source of information. Choose people who are familiar with your work style and previous projects, and who can provide an unbiased, honest opinion.

15. Apply more than once if it feels right.

So, you applied for a job and didn't get it. A few weeks later, you notice that the position is still open. Feel free to try again! Take note of anything that may have gone wrong the first time and take another crack at it with a revised resume and cover letter. This shows initiative and your ability to develop and grow.

@ClearCompany says that if at first you don't get the job, it can pay to try again:

16. Turn your weaknesses into strengths.

We all have weaknesses, and employers want to know about them. Remember, a weakness can also be one of your strengths. For example, your weakness might be procrastination. However, despite that, you always make the deadlines and can produce excellent work, even on short timelines.

The same can go for many other weaknesses. Whatever your downfalls may be, use them to your advantage and show that even though you're not perfect, you know how to work through your weaknesses and accomplish great work.

17. Focus on your achievements.

Acknowledging your accomplishments is a great way to show what you're capable of and how you've already succeeded in your career. You might not have 10 years of experience, but if you can prove that your team doubled its sales in one year, that can make a huge difference when you're being considered for a position.

When listing your achievements, don't forget to include any awards or certifications you've earned in your field.

18. Stand out from the rest with one-of-a-kind details.

Standing out from other candidates is possible in several ways, from showcasing an online work portfolio to sending in a presentation that acts as your cover letter. These unique moves will help employers and hiring managers remember you and your work. Try an attention-grabbing tactic while also showcasing the particular skills the employer is looking for effectively.

19. Practice confident body language.

Projecting confidence in a job interview can be the difference between being the second choice and getting the job quickly. With 65% of communication occurring nonverbally, confident body language is every bit as important as giving confident answers. Whether your interview is in person or on video, practice your nonverbal communication as much as you practice your answers to interview questions. Avoid fidgeting, pay attention to your posture, and maintain consistent eye contact for a confident demeanor.

Employers want to know that you are confident in your skills and yourself. If you don't show it, you may give the impression that you aren't qualified for the position.

Confident body language is key for a successful #jobinterview. Find out more quick tips to get hired fast from @ClearCompany:

20. Be engaged with the interviewer.

Hiring managers and employers want to know that you are listening and interested in what they have to say. Ask questions and don't be afraid to say you're unsure of an answer —it's still possible to have a great interview even if you don't know everything. It can even reassure recruiters that you're accurately representing your skills instead of just trying to get the job quickly.

One of the best ways to show you're engaged and interested is by being proactive. Browse the organization's website, read reviews, scroll through social pages, and learn their company mission, vision, and values. Bring notes from your research on the company to your interview. This information will give you ideas for questions to ask your interviewer and will show the hiring team you are confident and serious about the position.

In the post-pandemic talent market, it is possible to get a job quickly, especially if you take the time to prepare. There's nothing more impressive than a candidate who shows up prepared, confident, and ready to tackle any obstacles ahead. Put these 20 tips and your knowledge of the talent landscape to good use to find a position that matches your skills, and get hired fast.

If you're an HR or recruiting practitioner looking for tips on how to streamline and modernize your hiring processes to gain more top talent, subscribe to our blog today for more tips!

Keep reading for more on navigating the current state of recruitment and hiring:

  • 5 Things HR Leaders Need To Do To Prepare for Post-Pandemic Recruitment
  • Recruiting Top Talent in the Midst of Talent Scarcity
  • How HR Managers Are Tackling New Hire Onboarding
  • Why You Should Use Candidate Tracking Tools


Sara Pollock

As the head of a department in the midst of a sustained period of rapid growth, Sara has spent thousands of hours interviewing, hiring, onboarding and assessing employees and candidates. She is passionate about sharing the best practices she has learned from both successes and failures in talent acquisition and management.

How To Get A Job Fast


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